My family members are all fans of spicy food ... in everything. So why not omelettes? We love making them with chili crisp sauce...and our favorite is Trader Joe's Chili Onion Crunch. It's a great condiment, and we use it in many dishes/dips/sauces. Lately, I've incorporated it into an omelette - and it's a definite keeper!
For the omelette... in a small bowl, use a fork to whisk up 4 eggs, with a dash of milk (or water). In a medium size saucepan, over medium heat, melt a few tablespoons of butter. To that, add a few cloves of minced garlic and a heaping tablespoon of the Chili Onion Crunch sauce. Let it all cook together, get bubbly and hot (garlic slightly toasted), and then add the eggs.
Let the eggs get bubbly and hot, and cook right into the yummy crunch/garlic butter, for about four minutes, until the eggs are nearly set.
Add a sprinkling of cheese (I like to use Monterrey Jack) on one half of the eggs. Using two spatulas, carefully fold the non-cheese covered half over the other half. It doesn't need to be perfect (I mean...look at the picture!). Let it cook a few minutes, and then remove from the pan and slide onto your plate. At this point I like to sprinkle some nice kosher salt flakes over the top.
Next step: grab a fork, and dig in! You'll be hooked.